Enabling reCAPTCHA in LORIS

LORIS can be configured to require Google reCAPTCHA in order to limit spam. These following instructions have been tested for reCAPTCHA v2.

After following Google's instructions for obtaining the your public and private keys, you can use them by updating your configuration settings in the Config table in the database:

  • reCAPTCHAPrivate and reCAPTCHAPublic. These should be set to the corresponding values from your Google reCAPTCHA admin account. This can also be configured via the Configuration module by modifying the values found in the "API Keys" heading.

  • CSPAdditionalHeaders should include "frame-src www.google.com;" in order for the reCAPTCHA to render. This can also be configured via the Configuration module by modifying the values found in the "Study" heading.