

Sites (preferred) or Centers are terms used interchangeably in LORIS. Sites are defined in the psc table of the database (psc stands for Project Study Center).

LORIS' default schema defines the first psc (CenterID=1) as the Data Coordinating Center (DCC). This site is generally used for dummy data and it is assumed by the codebase to store exclusively non-study data. Therefore, it is recommended not to modify or use this site for registering real participants or study data.

Adding Site Options

Front End

not yet available


The psc table in the database contains all the information stored for sites. Populate additional sites using the following MySQL command:

INSERT INTO psc (Name, Alias, MRI_alias, Study_site) VALUES ('Montreal','MTL','MTL','Y');

Please refer to the SQL Dictionary for additional information about this table and its fields.


not yet available. See API documentation for latest additions

Interaction With LORIS

Sites have a direct impact on results returned in all LORIS modules. Users are only able to access data which has been collected by the sites they are affiliated with (in most modules).

note: Sessions are tagged with a specific site but are only accessible to users if and only if the candidate itself is affiliated with a site to which the user belongs.