SQL Dictionary

This document lists SQL tables and fields in the LORIS database and provides a description for each. In some instances these descriptions can include definitions, usage location in the code, examples and limitations.

  • Table: psc

    This table stores the list of sites configured for the study.

    Field Description Notes
    CenterID Identifier of the site Avoid setting this field explicitly when inserting data, it auto increments.
    Name Full name of the site
    PSCArea Deprecated
    Address Civic address of the site
    City City where the site is located
    StateID Identifier of the state where the site is located
    ZIP ZIP code of the site
    Phone1 Phone number 1
    Phone2 Phone number 2
    Contact1 Contact person 1
    Contact2 Contact person 2
    Alias Shortname of the site. Limited to 3 characters This field affects the alias section of the PSCID of candidates
    MRI_alias MRI specific shortname. Limited to 4 characters
    Account Deprecated
    Study_site Does this site recruit candidates? This field will affect the appearance of the center in dropdowns in several modules of LORIS
  • Table: visit

    This table stores the list of timepoints configured for the study.

    Field Description Notes
    VisitID Identifier of the Timepoint Avoid setting this field explicitly when inserting data, it auto increments.
    VisitName Back end name of the Timepoint This name is used in file and imaging uploads (previously known as visit_label)
  • Table: Visit_Windows

    This table associates timepoints with optimal age ranges for quality control monitoring.

    Field Description Notes
    ID Identifier of the entry Avoid setting this field explicitly when inserting data, it auto increments.
    Visit_label Name of the visit
    WindowMinDays Candidate's minimum age in days for visit to be flagged as within permitted parameters of the study The only effect of this field is a YES/NO flag showing up on the instrument_list page
    WindowMaxDays Candidate's maximum age in days for visit to be flagged as within permitted parameters of the study The only effect of this field is a YES/NO flag showing up on the instrument_list page
    OptimumMinDays Candidate's minimum age in days for visit to be flagged as within optimal parameters of the study The only effect of this field is a YES/NO flag showing up on the instrument_list page
    OptimumMaxDays Candidate's maximum age in days for visit to be flagged as within optimal parameters of the study The only effect of this field is a YES/NO flag showing up on the instrument_list page
    WindowMidpointDays Candidate's ideal age in days for a visit
  • Table: Project

    This table stores the list of projects configured for the study.

    Field Description Notes
    ProjectID Identifier of the project Avoid setting this field explicitly when inserting data, it auto increments.
    Name Full name of the project
    recruitmentTarget Expected number of candidates to be recruited
  • Table: subproject

    This table stores the list of subprojects configured for the study.

    Field Description Notes
    SubprojectID Identifier of the subproject Avoid setting this field explicitly when inserting data, it auto increments.
    title Name of the subproject
    useEDC Use the Expected date Of Confinement
    WindowDifference Deprecated
    RecruitmentTarget Expected number of candidates to be recruited
  • Table: project_subproject_rel

    This table stores the association of projects with subprojects

    Field Description Notes
    ProjectSubprojectRelID Identifier of the project-subproject relation Avoid setting this field explicitly when inserting data, it auto increments. Other tables in the database require this field as a foreign key reference to point to a specific project-subproject tuple.
    ProjectID Project identifier
    SubprojectID Subproject identifier